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Advantages of online banking Convenience is one of the great advantages of online banking. With it, you can do almost all banking transactions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As well as taking care of your day-to-day account management activities, you can communicate with your account manager or open new accounts including savings accounts and pension funds. Another great benefit is that you can do all of this while paying lower or no transaction fees, as the overhead and other costs for the bank are lower with fewer or no physical branches to maintain. Some banks have gone a step further and declared themselves branchless or internet-only institutions.
Disadvantages of online banking While online banking is considered the most convenient way to manage your bank account, there may be times when a customer prefers to have a face-to-face consultation with a bank teller on more complex banking matters. Not having this option could be a major disadvantage if you are considering opening an account with a branchless bank. Another downside of online banking is its complete reliance on internet access. Although internet connections at home or at work are commonplace these days, there may be times when you don't have internet access. This problem becomes even clearer with mobile banking. For example, when you go on vacation, you can choose not to pay for mobile internet, so the only internet connection available could be public WiFi. In addition, it is advisable not to log into your online banking when using a public WiFi connection, as your smartphone or other device is more vulnerable to hacking when connected to an unsecured network.
This brings us to another disadvantage of online and mobile banking. Security issues are seen as the biggest downside of online banking. Although financial institutions work hard to prevent data loss as it can jeopardize their entire business, bank account information is considered one of the prime targets for hackers and various computer viruses. Meanwhile, 48% of bank customers in the US do not use mobile banking for security reasons.
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